Women's Networking with Access Tribe: Thursday, February 20th, 12:00 p.m. Eastern (NY Time)
Register Below
Join us for Access Tribe’s monthly online Networking Session! This is your chance to learn, connect and build with other women in this industry.
🗓 Day/Time
Thursday, February 20th, 12:00 Eastern (that’s🗽 NYC time)
🙍♀️ What you Need to Bring
Your amazing self!
Any information about projects, events etc. that you would like to share with other attendees (this is a great opportunity to promote any new business projects or events you are involved in).
Links you would like to share with other attendees (your website, social media handles etc.) so that others can follow or contact you
We have had lots of great connections made during these sessions, so come prepared so you can make the most out of them 🤝